You need a little help transforming


You need a little help transforming



If Tarot Coaching isn't for you, never fear, I also offer a more traditional approach...

Think bestie in your pocket qualified to help you overcome obstacles and remind you of who you are.

If you're here, it's likely you're exhausted of self-help books and well-meaning, underqualified coaches who promote toxic positivity and dish out a few mindset tips that make you feel great until you’re not.

The trouble is everyone’s so unique. And when you get to this low, self-loathing point, a few kind words aren’t going to cut it, right?

You’re maybe still sleeping 4 hours a night, eating junk food, too much alcohol, and distracting yourself with nonsense to avoid looking at life.

Well, in my personal experience, having gone through what you are and having helped many other people survive their trauma through my 20 years as a therapist, I know you need real-life tools and strategies actually to use in real life. And, as you can imagine, I’ve got them in abundance.

But before you go any further, there are a few conditions you need to be aware of. 

These are the kind of women I help grow:

  • Women ready and willing to take responsibility for their choices and change them.
  • Women looking at a different perspective of why they are here, who they really are and what they want out of life.
  • Women who are open to learning alternative ways of healing and looking at the root cause of why they are blocked by fear and ready to put in the work to transform
  • Those who have awareness but want a community of like-minded women to help them move forward.


You still here? Good. Now I know you’re my kind of woman, someone who’s reached the point where they’re ready to change and isn’t afraid of a few hard truths.

There are three ways you can work with me

  Looking to move forward with a community of like-minded women?

Soul Sanctuary is that space. Group coaching by me, a certified trauma therapist. Masterclasses on self-growth by leading experts. Dozens of resources. And women going through the same transition as you. We can’t wait for you to join us. 


Completely at your wits end? You’re ready to go all-in to feel alive again?  

There’s got to be a better way, right? But your circumstances are different from most people's. I feel you. Well, if you’re truly committed to long-term, sustainable change in your mind and body health, then you qualify for RECONNECT, my 3 month 1:1 coaching package. NOTE: This is intense but 100% guaranteed to see you blossom. 


Want a double espresso-style transformational hit that meets you where you are right now? 

Check out my Transformation Intensive - a 1.5-hour deep dive into what you’re struggling with today and how you can take immediate steps to change that. 


Let me tell you a little more about those one-to-one sessions…

Private Coaching 


There comes a time when you think, “It’s now or never.”

If you don’t take the steps to choose yourself now, whether that means leaving a bad relationship, starting a new career, knowing how to cope with fear and anxiety when it rears its ugly head or just taking better care of yourself so you make your own choices without the people pleasing…

Maybe you never will.

You’ve tried chasing positive emotions and ‘being happy’. But that’s not working for you. You’ve got everything that should make you happy - a good job, a family, a house and a fancy car. But you’re still lonely, fearful of change, even unworthy and constantly repeating the same behaviors without knowing why. You’re not willing to spend the next 30 years feeling the same, though.

Eff that. Your life is now. And it’s just that - yours! Not your husbands, not your colleagues, not your kids. Yours. And I know how much you care for everyone. I was the same. But that doesn’t mean you sacrifice yourself. Your worth isn’t defined by what you do for others.


Reconnect: 3 Month Package 1-to-1


A transformational program which guides you from fear of taking the first step to change to feeling confident and READY to unapologetically live your effing dream life. There’s no cookie-cutter fluff. Think of it like therapy (yes, the T-word) without the price tag, laying on the couch or poking at your past trauma.

It won’t be a piece of cake. But you knew that. However, I guarantee you’ll leave as a person you truly love with a life you can embrace. You’ll know how to finally cope with those feelings (because despite what they tell you, they never completely leave, that’s why I show you ways to manage them). 

Here’s what that looks like…


2x Monthly one-hour Zoom or phone sessions
This is the core of the 3 Month Program. Twice a month, we meet and break down your struggles. Sure, you’ve got friends you could talk to, but  - me being a 20-year certified trauma therapist aside - there’s always bias.

There’ll be no big changes asked. You go at your own pace, little by little, one step at a time.  The key is to start small to build confidence and trust that it can be done. Each session, you’ll be another step closer to a woman who loves herself as much as she cares for others. 
Email support
You’ll never feel unsure where to turn or what to do next because whenever those anxious, self-defeating, fearful feelings creep back in, I’m here. 24/7. Whenever you need me, I’m just an email away.

Strategies to implement and practice after each session
Unlike ‘lifestyle’ or ‘wellness’ coaches who trumpet up great sounding, motivational spiel, which makes you feel good for an hour but has little lasting effect, you’ll come away from each session with actionable, practical strategies to work through. We’re talking ACTUAL steps to take to feel truly better. Not just slapping on a happy filter for Instagram and calling it HAPPINESS.

Whether it’s quick and easy recipes to help your body, achievable meditations for your mind or breath work strategies that’ll take you from WTF to ohhmmmm, I give you access to everything I’ve ever created around your mind, body and spirituality. This is for the people who aren’t just dabbling in self-help, feel-good shit and are serious about reaching that end goal.

Free masterclass access
Each month I invite leading experts and specialists to give unique advice that supplements everything we’ll go through in Awaken. These masterclasses are valued at $397 each because of the life-changing impact they can have on the women who are ready to act now. 
Investment: $1200


Unsure if this is really for you? Can it actually work? Is it just woo-woo mumbo-jumbo?

The Transformation Intensive follows the same principles as the 3 Month Package, but it’s espresso-sized. It’s a single session, 1.5-hour call designed to answer your most pressing questions and help your next steps; a place you can explore your concerns and leave knowing where to move next. If you need not only a good shaking but also actionable steps to take afterwards, this is for you.

And, if you decide you want to continue by signing up to the 3 Month Program, the price of this call will be deducted from the total cost of the package.

So, whether you just want a taste of the no nonsense style and strategies I adhere to intending to go all-in afterwards, or you can feel yourself spiraling, but you’ve not hit the bottom and need a pick me up, choose the Transformation Intensive.

Investment: $250


Krista B.

“Shannon was very informative and very helpful but also very kind. I didn’t feel like I was being judged. She was able to provide information in a way that was very supportive and kind and empowering. It just felt really safe to work with her...and it probably helps that she has a background in mental health because she was a therapist. I felt heard. She was listening to me and she was like, “Okay, I’m here to help you.”

Liz B.

“Shannon’s very honest... very upfront. She’s very down to earth and gonna give it to you straight. That’s something I needed. I needed someone to give it to me straight and not skirt around the issue. Shannon’s changing my pattern of thinking of not reverting back to my old ways. And that’s why she’s been really good about having me just taking baby steps. Shannon’s just a wealth of knowledge, knows what she’s talking about. She’ll change your life. 


Discover what could be sabotaging your relationships.