10 Tips For Coping With Social Distancing And Being Home Bound

lifestyle Mar 27, 2020

First off how are you?

I hope you are well, healthy, and staying positive as much as you can.

To say this is a difficult time is an understatement. My heart goes out to all of those who have lost jobs, are living in uncertainty for their futures, struggling financially, the doctors and nurses fighting the virus and exhaustion, and to those souls who remain working to provide all of us necessities. God bless.

Living in the unknown is scary, let alone fearing for your own health, and the health of those you love. What I do know, is that giving into that fear and succumbing to the panic and anxiety is not good for your physical, nor mental health.

Staying positive and taking care of your health is paramount right now, absolutely number one. Of all of the times in your life you need to put your health at the top of the list, this is it. One of the best things you can do at a time when so much is unknown  and have no control over what's happening, is to control the things you can.

10 Tips For Coping With Social Distancing And Being Home Bound

1. Take Charge of Your Attitude

Now let me be clear. I'm not saying you shouldn't have some serious emotions right now - confusion, sadness, fear, anger, anxiety - yes we're all experiencing these to one degree or another, and they ebb and flow depending upon the day. But you can control this.

What I'm talking about is despite all of our feelings and lack of control to what's happening, and the not knowing when it will all end, is that we can control our attitude. This means we can choose to view this moment in time as an opportunity. Simply reframing the situation can go a long way in helping you cope, and will set the tone for how you choose to live during these uncertain times. 

As a spiritual person, I tend to think of the bigger picture and ask: What is the universal message? How can I practice bringing my higher self to the table? What can we learn about how we are treating each other, the planet, and bring about change? I believe nothing is an accident and there is a reason for everything. So for me, I choose to see this as an opportunity for growth, that the universe has pushed the pause button so we can wake up and take a long look at how we are truly living.

It's a wake up call on so many levels. 

We all have a choice. To sit in our sweats all day consumed with the news, surrendering to the panic and despair, or we can use this time to meditate and connect to our higher selves, learn a new skill, learn a language, read that book you haven't had the time to read, exercise, learn yoga, spend quality time with your partner or family, learn how to cook new healthy dishes, paint, whatever you choose. The benefit of looking at this as an opportunity is what can help you psychologically.

Get creative and see what happens!

2. Place Boundaries On News and Social Media

As if the news isn't bad enough with the constant hourly onslaught of what is changing by the hour, I'm seeing a lot of angry posts on social media, and people posting all kinds of information about the virus which is mostly all of the grave news that may or may not be accurate.

So do yourself a huge favor if you haven't already, and seriously limit this exposure.  It's just not healthy. Get your information from a trusted source, not a friends forwarded post, and turn it off for the rest of the day. Stay off of social media, or at the very least, don't stop on those posts that are expressing anger, shame, blame, or possible misinformation that will only make your feelings of uncertainty and lack of control turn into panic. It's not good for you, your stress level which only taxes your immune system, nor is it good for those of you who have children. 

What I do, I get this latest, take it in, breath and move on. I cannot control what others are doing, I cannot control the spread of the virus except for my own adherence to self isolation, but I can control what I let in and how I choose to deal with it. Now is the time to make your mental and emotional health a priority. So turn it off and practice self care.

3.  Make A Daily Schedule

I already work from home. But when I went from working around people all the time to being alone, it was an adjustment. Now, I must first confess that I'm an introvert, a total home body already, so the switch wasn't as dramatic. I found myself really loving working alone in peace. It's a dream frankly.

What helped me find this peace of mind was creating a schedule. Mapping out my day so I not only stayed on track to accomplish daily goals for my business, but it has a psychological benefit too. It makes you feel productive, and that you have things to look forward to each day that keeps your mind busy. You feel a sense of accomplishment when you can check things off of a list of to do's on a schedule, and most importantly it gives you a sense of control that is much needed right now.

Since my daughter will of course be home for the foreseeable future, I have made a schedule for us both. We will get up, walk the dog, exercise, have breakfast, shower, she will do supplemental work as I work on my biz, break for lunch, go back to work, walk the dog and end our day with relaxing time, dinner, then time together as a family. This is so important if you have kids at home. Having a schedule if you're a parent is the best way to stay sane when you're trying to juggle your own emotions while tending to your kids who are also wondering what in the world in happening. This provides the structure they crave to feel safe and secure.

4. Don't Sit In Your PJ's All Day

As tempting as it is to do this, don't. It might feel ok for a day or two, but it can also contribute to feeling depressed. So each day get up, take a shower, and put on something other than your jammies or sweats. It seems so small and insignificant, but trust me it works wonders. Working from home, I'm not in my pajamas all day. I get up, work out, walk the dog, shower, do my hair, put on some makeup, and get to cracking on my schedule. It's been a game changer for me. 

5. Use This Time To Start Your Health Goals

Um can I get a "hell yes"! If you've been wanting to improve your health, but haven't had the time, well, here it is my friend. No better time then now. Especially now. I cannot emphasize this enough. Yes it's tempting to partake in Netflix marathons, which I believe you still can, but you also need to take a mental break from devices. 

First and foremost because as you know this virus is new, we have no immunity to it. This means you MUST do everything you can to strengthen your immune system. It's imperative. For ways you can strengthen your immune system check out my free guide.

It may be tempting to eat processed comfort foods, but this only causes inflammation and lowers your immune system - particularly sugar. So make sure you are eating clean, whole foods without all of the preservatives, additives, chemicals and pesticides. 

I encourage you to take this time to get into the kitchen and experiment with healthier foods. Put on some music, make it a family affair and make it fun. For some recipe ideas check out this guide to 15 Quick Whole Food Recipes.

One silver lining is that thankfully it's spring. This I hope means good weather for most of you to be able to get out, breathe fresh air, take a walk, start a running program you've been meaning to do, or go for a hike and enjoy nature. It's good for you.

I'm also currently working on a workshop on how to get started for those of you who want to take advantage of this time to begin working on tackling your health goals. It will focus on just how to take the first step and how to create health habits that are simple to incorporate into your life that are sustainable. Right now is the best time to practice incorporating new habits so that when this is over and you're able to return to work and your busy life, you're already steps ahead. If you haven't yet, subscribe to my newsletter to stay posted on when it's coming.

6. Use This Time To Get Things Done Around The House You've Been Putting Off.

Those who know me well know that whenever I have a staycation I use it to get things done around the house. I go through all of my cabinets, drawers and closets to get it all clean and organized. I do deep cleans for light fixtures, the fridge, clear out clutter and tend to the garage that seems to be a constant dumping ground for all that clutter I just cleared out.

Now is a great time to tend to a garden and prepare it for planting herbs or your fave fruits and vegetables. 

Flip your mattresses 

Go through your closet and reorganize it

Clean out your email list and unfollow all the millions of emails you get that you never read (not mine of course if you subscribe!:))

Create a space in your home for work if you're able to work from home. IKEA has some great office supplies that won't break the bank. My personal fave.

The ideas are endless and I'm sure you have at least one or two things you can attend to that's been on your list for forever.

7. Make Plans For When This Is Over

To help psychologically, make plans for when you can return to your life as you know it. Think about how it will feel to set out again and do the things you love to do. Plan your next vacation. Plan to continue your work on your health goals by looking at gyms you'd like to join, or a yoga studio. Make plans with friends for meet ups.

What ever it is, the important thing is to keep dreaming and planning. Even though you don't know when or how yet. Just keep doing it because it helps lift your spirits to know that this will one day be over and you'll be able to live fully again. And you will.

8. Face Time Or Zoom With Friends And Family

I'm sure you've already heard of this idea or have already done it, but if you haven't, try connecting with friends and family virtually. Make a date and have a cocktail or a glass of your fave wine and connect. The only rule - limit your talk of this virus to a minimum. Allow for a few minutes to join over it, and share your experience, then move on to talking about other things. I've done this a few times now and I find it's a whole new level of engaging without distractions which allows you to get to know the ones you love on a deeper level, especially now.

9. Have a Spa Day

Get creative and use this time to have a spa day. Set the tone with spa like music, run a bath (soaking in a tub of Ebsom Salts is really good for you), sit in your robe with sliced cucumbers on your eyes, do those masks you've been wanting to do, or give your self a mani pedi . Whatever a spa day looks like to you, do it. It will take your mind off of all the noise and it's good for the soul. Now you have an excuse to pamper yourself guilt free. 

10. Help Others

If there is one thing I know makes me feel better, is helping someone else. Find out if you have elderly neighbors, check on them and see if they could use some help or assistance. If you're heading to the grocery store ask if they need anything and drop it on their door step.

Order take out if you can. Restaurants are in dire need of patrons so if you can order out, do. They are beyond appreciative. We have been and I've found that the restaurants we've gone to have developed carefully planned processes to make it as sanitary as possible. 

There are so many people who are in need of donations. Look into those that you feel need you the most and donate. Even the smallest of donations are always appreciated and every little bit helps.

Take care of yourself during this time and remind yourself that this too shall pass.

Keep yourself as healthy as possible in body and mind.

Wishing you abundance in health,





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