
10 Tips For Coping With Social Distancing And Being Home Bound

lifestyle Mar 27, 2020

First off how are you?

I hope you are well, healthy, and staying positive as much as you can.

To say this is a difficult time is an understatement. My heart goes out to all of those who have lost jobs, are living in uncertainty for their futures, struggling financially, the doctors and nurses fighting the virus and exhaustion, and to those souls who remain working to provide all of us necessities. God bless.

Living in the unknown is scary, let alone fearing for your own health, and the health of those you love. What I do know, is that giving into that fear and succumbing to the panic and anxiety is not good for your physical, nor mental health.

Staying positive and taking care of your health is paramount right now, absolutely number one. Of all of the times in your life you need to put your health at the top of the list, this is it. One of the best things you can do at a time when so much is unknown  and have no control over what's happening, is to control the things you can.


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How I Created A Life Changing Morning Routine

lifestyle Oct 09, 2019

The morning routine.

I've heard a lot of talk about it lately.

Particularly from Mel Robbins the author of The 5 Second Rule (a total must read, I highly suggest you get this book if you haven't already - total game changer). She is a HUGE fan of having a solid morning routine.

I guess you could say a seed was planted after reading her book. But still, as much as I agreed, I was still not totally sold (I just didn't want to get up that early).

After all, I never really understood its significance or why anyone would get up at the crack of dawn for anything, let alone exercise. Seriously.

I have literally struggled for YEARS to find the time to get my work out in. It was certainly a big HELL NO when the only alternative was to get up at 5:30 am. But I also hated working out after a long day of work. 

I would be exhausted and the idea of putting any amount of energy into a work out was less than appealing.

Until now.....

Yes, I have gone to the dark side and have.............. a...

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