
Taking Responsibility For Your Health Isn't About Shame Or Blame

health mindset Jan 08, 2021

Taking responsibility for your health isn't about shame, guilt or blame. If you find yourself triggered by it, more than likely those emotions are about something else - trauma. Being able to look at the state of your health objectively without self-judgement is what I'm talking about.

Accepting the state of things and accepting responsibility for your health as it is now and how you got here, is the gateway to being able to get real with yourself about what your next step should be. This isn't a blame game.

For some of you this may feel very uncomfortable. There is a reason, and it's completely understandable. It comes from a combo of negative degrading messages from the fitness industry and old unresolved trauma. If learning about how to be responsible was all tied up and associated with negative messages about your character as you grew up, in combination with the inaccurate message that overweight people are lazy and take no responsibility for their health, then hearing that you...

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How To Create A Resilient Mindset

mindset Dec 09, 2020

The ability to be resilient when it comes to your health is a necessary skill, or state of mind, for not only creating change, but sustaining it throughout the ups and downs of life.

You know, and I know, that life isn't on some trajectory with a starting line that is linear in nature with a finish, with perfect incremental steps moving you one step closer to the goal. Rather, it's filled with temptations, triggers, barriers, challenges, stressors and everything in between that greatly impacts our ability to stay the path.

It's called real life. 

What's so important when it comes to putting effort into improving your health is the ability to come back from those times of challenge in your life- could be an hour, a day, or major life event - that bring all of your efforts to a stand still or feels like a complete set back. Because if you have not built a skill set for resilience, any land mine you encounter can lead you down a road that can really mess with your mindset...

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How Healthy Warriors Identify Emotional Triggers

mindset Oct 20, 2020

How are some people able to deal with emotional triggers while frustrated searchers trying to improve their health succumb to their triggers and go off the rails?

You're about to learn one simple way in how to respond to emotional triggers in a productive and healthy way which is part of Pillar 1 in my M|Body Method. It's an important key in your health journey because most frustrated searchers reach for the comfort or quick foods when triggered. This leads to regretting those choices soon after and taking the trip down the black hole of feeling a failure, hopelessness, guilt, shame, negative self-talk, and self-loathing which only perpetuates staying stuck and possibly giving up all together.

Sound familiar?

I hear from so many women who tell me that if they could only find out a way to deal with their triggers when it comes to staying on course to improve their diet or incorporating exercise, it would make a HUGE difference in their ability to reach their health goals.


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How Willpower Is A Myth And Killing Your Self-Worth

health mindset Oct 13, 2020

Most people think that it's willpower that they have to have in order to lose weight and improve their health. But this notion of willpower or self-control just might be the biggest myth in the industry, and the worst advise you could ever get.

And I get it because I've been there. This message of willpower is everywhere, it's so prevalent it's even joked about, and it's been pounded into our brains forever while making us feel like shit about ourselves. But if it were true, then wouldn't everyone who used simple willpower to make a change easily and consistently lose weight?

The diet and fitness industry loves to send this message that all it takes is willpower to achieve your goals. That if you don't succeed at losing weight with sheer willpower, then it must somehow be a problem with YOU. You're not doing enough, you're not motivated enough, you're not disciplined enough and on and on. Ugh.

Can you relate?

Well we all know this is not the case. In fact, if you believe that...

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Change Is What I Stand For

mindset Sep 24, 2020


Change in our health system and how we view what it means to truly heal.

It's what I stand for. It's how we will change the idea of health for future generations.

It can end suffering, and as women, moms, it's what we do. We change people with our love for our children, our families, friends, and loved ones close to us. We have the power to alter the old ways of doing things with our love, devotion and desire for something better.

Change is how we create a better world for our kids. Because right now there's finally talk of proper how nutrition can heal, prevent disease, and that we have the power to improve and heal if our body is given what it needs to do its job.

But, the food industry, our health system, and the diet industry are all still stuck doing the same things the old way, how they've done things for decades. Making people sick with all of the processed chemicals in our foods, making you believe these foods are ok to eat and will not harm you. Making people think...

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Challenging Limiting Beliefs

mindset Jun 25, 2020

How often do your beliefs stop you from making change or starting something you've never done before?

If you're like most people this is often.

I would say that my belief in myself, my thoughts, self-talk, and feelings of worth have been at the forefront of making progress in my business, especially my decision to become a personal trainer at my age. Has anyone ever told me it was ridiculous to do? No.

It's actually been my own inner voice trying to sabotage my efforts and and get in the way of fulfilling my goals.

But I did it anyway.

And I'll tell you how.

When I began this journey of creating this business to serve you, I had no idea how much it would force me to look at what I truly believed about myself (I thought I'd just do the things and everything would fall into place - nope). This process of required personal development and looking at my own limiting beliefs has given me a passion for helping other women challenge their limiting beliefs in order to achieve their goals...

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How Physical Clutter Increases Anxiety

mindset Jun 06, 2019

I walk in. 

My heart starts to race. I feel it.

My anxiety is on its way to take a grip on me. Oh for what has brought great pain to the orbits in my head?


Say it isn’t so. I HAVE GOT TO CLEAN.

This is true folks. This is me. The REAL me.

If I was to say I was any character from a popular tv show I'm soooo Monica from Friends.

If you were to ask me what brings me great joy aside from my family of course, it's a clean, well organized, everything in its place, home. I'm kind of a Virgo that way if you believe in that sort of thing.

Just writing about it makes me happy. I'm so not kidding (a bit cray cray? Well maybe).

I clean for fun. But really I clean to ease.... anxiety. My entire life I've had to clean a space thats messy before I can be in it. I can't think straight in a mess.

For some of you, you may be reading this and saying,

HELL NO! WTH is she even talking about? Cleaning gives her joy? Thats just...

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Managing Stress

mindset Apr 06, 2019

It's stress awareness month, so lets talk about stress for a moment.....

Stress is inevitable and there is no escaping it. We live with it Every. Single. Day.

So there's two things here...

  • The type of stress you're under, whether its your body going into fight or flight due to a lion chasing you, or chronic daily stress(which is pretty much all of us these days if you watch the news or just live above a rock), this second one we're gonna get into.
  • How you perceive, approach, and deal with stress.


What Is Stress?

So lets talk about chronic stress as it affects you, me and everyone around us. Before I do, let me explain your adrenals.

Your adrenal glands sit on top of both of your kidneys and are a part of what we call the HPA-Axis. This is your hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal Axis. All are intricately connected endocrine glands. They are responsible for releasing 3 main hormones when your brain signals them that you are in danger:

  • Epinephrine (adrenaline) increases heart...
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Give Yourself Some Good Lovin'

mindset Feb 28, 2019

Ok, ok get your mind out of the gutter. Only appropriate business here my friends.

I'm not talking about the *not on this kinda site!* post, or the self involved entitled jerk, you know, the narcissist.

No, no.

I'm talking about those of us who beat ourselves to a bloody pulp on a daily basis. You know the kind of anxiety about almost everything. I mean EVERYTHING.

You know its you when:

  • You question everything that comes out of your mouth.
  • You never can lose enough weight.
  • That voice in your head (make sure it's yours), that keeps telling you that you suck at everything.
  • You think you’re not good enough.
  • You’ll never measure up.
  • You’ll never meet your goals.
  • You want to please everyone to your own detriment.
  • Your dreams and goals are left on the floor because you are your own worst enemy.

Well if any of those ring true then keep reading cuz you seriously need some self-love.

We have an interesting culture, at the same time its beyond narcissistic, we also have...

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