Give Yourself Some Good Lovin'

mindset Feb 28, 2019

Ok, ok get your mind out of the gutter. Only appropriate business here my friends.

I'm not talking about the *not on this kinda site!* post, or the self involved entitled jerk, you know, the narcissist.

No, no.

I'm talking about those of us who beat ourselves to a bloody pulp on a daily basis. You know the kind of anxiety about almost everything. I mean EVERYTHING.

You know its you when:

  • You question everything that comes out of your mouth.
  • You never can lose enough weight.
  • That voice in your head (make sure it's yours), that keeps telling you that you suck at everything.
  • You think you’re not good enough.
  • You’ll never measure up.
  • You’ll never meet your goals.
  • You want to please everyone to your own detriment.
  • Your dreams and goals are left on the floor because you are your own worst enemy.

Well if any of those ring true then keep reading cuz you seriously need some self-love.

We have an interesting culture, at the same time its beyond narcissistic, we also have some serious work to do on giving ourselves some self-love.

Yes folks. No Kardashian love here. I'm talking the kind you were intended to have. The kind you had from birth, but lost it because the world has beaten the shit out of you.

And in order to accomplish anything you set out to do…….

Know this.....I'm talking about sitting with yourself and getting down with who you are. Warts and all. Accept. The. Warts. Because they are part of what makes you, you. Why is this important to chat about when you are here to learn about what to eat?

Im so glad you asked:)

It's one of the most important pieces you need to spend some time on. Especially if you are here to get healthy and want to figure out why you can't get it together and finish it already. Exploring. Really getting into it. Going deeper and finding out why you may not show up for yourself.

Are you ready to get honest?

Are you ready to do a simple exercise to get you on the right track? If you’re still with me, then keep reading.

Here Goes:

  1. First  you need to sit with yourself and make a list of all of the stories you tell your self that are really shitty.
  2. Then I want you to find evidence to the fact (albeit it's only an opinion, and a shitty one, I doubt there's REAL proof)
  3. What part of the story is connected to an event, something someone said, a feeling?
  4. Realize those events are just events. Things that happened to spark this never ending loop in your mind that tells you that you are unworthy. It doesn’t make it true.
  5. Sit with this and let it resonate. Mull it over. I want ah-ha’s from you.
  6. Now I want you to list all that is fricken awesome about you. I want full on recognition of all that is unique, quirky, and great about you. What are your talents? Gifts? How can you use these gifts and talents to your advantage and make the changes you want to make?
  7. Once you've gotten all of this down on paper, you can begin to rewrite your story.
  8. Practice some serious self care: Do more of what makes you feel the way you want to feel (for real, I clean when I want to feel joy, no, seriously, it's so true.)
  9. Say no to things you do not want to do - guilt free.
  10. Set boundaries with people- also guilt free.

That’s it. Yes doing good things for yourself is a key piece. Because it's true that if you don’t take care of yourself then you are good for no one. Reality bites baby.

You have to put yourself first. You need to fall in love with yourself and accept all of your faults along with the good parts.

Stop running from yourself and get real. Because if you can sit with, and shine light on the parts that are down right painful to look at, then you don’t have to hide anymore. Sit with the feelings that come up when you look at those parts.

Did it kill you? Nope.

Well........ it’s quite painful, but you get the idea.

You’re probably asking me, how the hell is this going to help me?

Another great question oh wise one.

In order to meet a goal, accomplish a task, improve your health, stop eating emotionally, get going on that exercise, you must bring your warts out of the dark and into the light. It's you taking control. It's about empowerment. It's about being the bad ass boss of your one precious life.

When you are better acquainted with your enemy, you are better suited to come up with a game plan for defeat. It helps you recognize your pitfalls, bad habits, negative self talk and crap that sabotages your efforts. And we don’t want that.

I just don’t hear enough of anyone talking about how self development is a HUGE piece of making change when it comes to health- losing weight, healing your thyroid, healing an autoimmune disorder, just to name a few.

Even to start eating broccoli. Yep its true.

And if you really want to go there, have a good cry and serious love fest. Do it with a trusted friend. The power of this exercise will be exponential.

When you're done, go ahead. Leave a comment. Tell me how it went.

And better yet. Tell me some great things about you.

With so much love,



P.S: Want to find out more ways you can show yourself some lovin'? Then start here! I have a couple of new FREE guides to help.


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