How Willpower Is A Myth And Killing Your Self-Worth

health mindset Oct 13, 2020

Most people think that it's willpower that they have to have in order to lose weight and improve their health. But this notion of willpower or self-control just might be the biggest myth in the industry, and the worst advise you could ever get.

And I get it because I've been there. This message of willpower is everywhere, it's so prevalent it's even joked about, and it's been pounded into our brains forever while making us feel like shit about ourselves. But if it were true, then wouldn't everyone who used simple willpower to make a change easily and consistently lose weight?

The diet and fitness industry loves to send this message that all it takes is willpower to achieve your goals. That if you don't succeed at losing weight with sheer willpower, then it must somehow be a problem with YOU. You're not doing enough, you're not motivated enough, you're not disciplined enough and on and on. Ugh.

Can you relate?

Well we all know this is not the case. In fact, if you believe that willpower is the key and you had all of the willpower in the world, but continued to eat certain foods that actually cause you to hold onto weight, not only will you NOT lose weight, you'll end up thinking YOU are the problem, it's your fault, and you're a failure somehow.

What if I showed you a way to get results without beating yourself up as part of the solution? It might be hard to believe that letting go of the willpower strategy and enjoying food as if it's some kind of mortal sin might actually help you, but hear me out....

When we look at those who have successfully lost weight, eliminated symptoms and feel better than they have in years, they have one thing in common.

They got to the ultimate root cause.

The root cause of why they cannot seem to lose weight and feel better no matter what they've done.

If you're suffering from weight loss resistance, belly fat, brain fog, fatigue, insomnia, inability to focus, irritability and other symptoms, with little to no change despite all of your efforts - then you haven't yet discovered the root cause. 

Getting to the root cause takes effort, I'm not going to lie. But at least your time and energy is spent going in the right direction. If you're going to put your precious time and energy into things to lose weight, and feel better, it's important to make sure it's going to provide you some answers and have the desired outcome you're looking for, not leave you feeling it's somehow your fault.

There are a myriad of root causes that could be the ultimate answer for you. This is because of the toxic soup we live in day in and day out. We have food that has been genetically modified, pesticides, toxins in our water, toxins in our household and personal care products, mold exposure, pathogens, chronic stress, toxic relationships, and working at jobs that leave us stressed, unfulfilled or possibly hate.  Add to that possible past trauma and living a sedentary lifestyle due to the way our technology has shifted.

It's no wonder we're suffering.

None of what I mentioned above has anything to do with having willpower or requiring it in order to change the symptoms suffered from all that we're exposed to. Once you're able to discover the roots of your suffering and symptoms, it's a slow and steady process to make changes to your lifestyle.

One simple way when it comes to food as a possible root cause, because its one of the biggies, is to do what's called crowding out.

If doing an elimination diet where you eliminate certain foods known to cause symptoms (think gluten, dairy, soy, eggs etc) seems overwhelming, then simply add in healthier choices one at a time. Not only does this feel more doable, you also start the process of changing your taste for healthier foods, and learn how to prepare them to your liking and incorporate into your lifestyle.

Doesn't this sound more doable?

For example - if you're trying to go gluten free, simply start with swapping the bun for lettuce when you have a burger. Give yourself time to get used to it. This is what I did and I now love it.

One big reason I love it, is because it gave me the time to grow accustomed to eating a burger this way, gave me the experience of feeling good after eating a burger rather than the usual host of symptoms that made me feel terrible. This feedback alone was incredibly powerful.

Another example of getting to the root cause is Sarah Gottfried, MD. She's a doctor of Functional Medicine who also struggled to lose the weight she had gained with her second pregnancy. She was told by her doctor to just "cut calories and exercise more". This left her angry, embarrassed and frustrated because it was inferred that it was her fault why she couldn't lose it.

Dr. Gottried decided to take matters into her own hands and began the journey of investigating possible root causes of her issues. What she found after conducting several tests, was that it all came down to serious hormone imbalances. Mainly, her Cortisol level was sky high. And when Cortisol is sky high, the weight won't come off no matter what you do. So she began her journey into discovering what was causing the high cortisol and incorporated solutions to lower it. This was the key.

So what happens when people identify root causes and eliminate them? Not only does weight come off, they end up realizing that they had no idea how bad they felt until they felt better. This was me. It was eye opening to say the least and once I eliminated the foods that caused my issues, the weight came off effortlessly and I wasn't killing myself with hardcore workouts, or starving myself.

It's possible.

And it's possible without killing your self-worth in the process.

Right now you have a choice. You can continue fighting food cravings everyday, fighting through workouts, relying on willpower and doing the same things with little result. In fact, it's what most people do.

Or you can be the type of person who focuses on looking into what is CAUSING your health issues, eliminate them, and feel better than you have in years. 

If that's you, then check out my new free handbook on how to get Clarity Through Connection that's part of my method. 

You can download it here.

Until next time...




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