Challenging Limiting Beliefs

mindset Jun 25, 2020

How often do your beliefs stop you from making change or starting something you've never done before?

If you're like most people this is often.

I would say that my belief in myself, my thoughts, self-talk, and feelings of worth have been at the forefront of making progress in my business, especially my decision to become a personal trainer at my age. Has anyone ever told me it was ridiculous to do? No.

It's actually been my own inner voice trying to sabotage my efforts and and get in the way of fulfilling my goals.

But I did it anyway.

And I'll tell you how.

When I began this journey of creating this business to serve you, I had no idea how much it would force me to look at what I truly believed about myself (I thought I'd just do the things and everything would fall into place - nope). This process of required personal development and looking at my own limiting beliefs has given me a passion for helping other women challenge their limiting beliefs in order to achieve their goals because I know you can tame the beast and make shit happen.

The self-reflection, exploration, and unpacking of limiting beliefs requires being able to look at yourself with courage and kindness. And when you're able to, the reward is great. Because you get to change the story in your head and expand into something greater than you had envisioned for yourself. 

Change or deciding to do something new requires us to be uncomfortable and we'll do just about anything to avoid this feeling, including telling ourselves complete untruths about ourselves. 

Before you bash yourself for having negative thoughts about yourself, know that you come by it naturally. It's in our DNA. 

If you're at a place in life where you want to make a change, but you're getting in your own way, I challenge you to take a look at where these beliefs come from.

First, Some Hard Truths About Getting What You Want

If you believe that what you desire is not possible, it simply won't happen.

This is the barrier.

Why? Because you won't do the hard work, won't put in the time, won't see yourself through the challenges along the way that will be required of you. Because if you already believe you're going to fail, or won't achieve the results you desire, then you simply won't do it. Or at the first sign of trouble or difficulty, you'll give up.

It's because we tend to move in the direction of what is most comfortable. We run at the sign of discomfort or difficulty. 

What's also true is that your journey to making a change will rarely land you in a final destination. Rather, it will be a journey. Not to sound cliche, but it's just simply the truth, call it what you want. So you've got to accept that it's going to be a bumpy ride, strap yourself in and allow it all to unfold.

You have to be committed to hanging in there for the long haul, being true to yourself and your desires in order to get through the times that will challenge your progress.

Because lets be honest, some days you'll feel invincible and some days you wonder why you got outta bed. Am I right?

And remember, taking on something that's hard to do, doesn't mean that it's impossible. This is your discomfort talking. You have to choose whether to listen or not.

Sometimes change takes trial and error. I know this has been true for me in healing my thyroid and in my business. Trying this, accepting one thing and throwing out the other. It's just simply the way it is.

Yes, I changed my health and healed my thyroid, but its STAYING healthy for the long haul that is a daily choice, a commitment I made to myself that I have to choose every day. It's about being disciplined and choosing me. Some days are easier than others because that's just life. And at no other time has it been more difficult than recently with all that is going on in the world.

So if you have struggled to take the first step in pursuing your goals, make changes, seek what you desire, then you have to first face your belief system and accept the fact that it's all just beliefs NOT facts.

Your beliefs about yourself do not live and breath. You give them life with the choices you make because of them. So stop allowing negative or limiting beliefs from you taking the first step because beliefs aren't real. They're simply beliefs.

The action you take is real, and the results of those actions are real. Even if the end result isn't what you wanted. Because even if something doesn't turn out the way you had envisioned, it's simply information that you need to pivot, or try another way. It's not a character or personality flaw. It simply means that what you tried didn't work, or wasn't right for you.

So you get up and try again.

To get you started here are a couple of things you can do to help:

  1. Ask yourself why you're attached to a certain belief. Why? Is it even True? Where is your evidence?
  2. Get honest with yourself about what your priorities are. If you have a goal to be healthier, but you're not engaging in activities to make that happen, then ask why it's not a priority.

Your answers will be the guide in how you can break free and move forward. Or it will shine a light on some simple truths you had no idea existed until you decided to face them.

And while you're in the midst of this exercise, keep in mind this one thing: Motivation is all BS.

Which leads me to,

The Second Thing You Can Do To Tackle Limiting Beliefs:

No one is ever really motivated to get up at the crack of dawn to run miles upon miles to train for a marathon, or choose vegetables over pizza. It comes from inspiration. The bigger picture. The Why behind what you're doing. 

The bottom line at the end of the day, is that we can do anything we set our minds to. We are limitless. You have more power and strength than you realize. But you have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone to explore what you're made of in order to experience the truth about what you can do and achieve. 

And know this: the actions you take, even the smallest, most insignificant, if they're moving you toward what you want despite the battle with your negative beliefs, celebrate that shit. Because some days those small actions can feel like you've moved a mountain, and they still count (remember what I've said about small consistent action?)

So let those actions be the substance and proof of what you are made of and what you can do. Keep in mind that negative thoughts and beliefs are normal, you just have to know how to overcome them and not let them stop you.

The question is are you ready?

I believe you can. If you needed to hear it. I will tell you again...

You can do anything.

Wishing you abundance in health,




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