How I Created A Life Changing Morning Routine

lifestyle Oct 09, 2019

The morning routine.

I've heard a lot of talk about it lately.

Particularly from Mel Robbins the author of The 5 Second Rule (a total must read, I highly suggest you get this book if you haven't already - total game changer). She is a HUGE fan of having a solid morning routine.

I guess you could say a seed was planted after reading her book. But still, as much as I agreed, I was still not totally sold (I just didn't want to get up that early).

After all, I never really understood its significance or why anyone would get up at the crack of dawn for anything, let alone exercise. Seriously.

I have literally struggled for YEARS to find the time to get my work out in. It was certainly a big HELL NO when the only alternative was to get up at 5:30 am. But I also hated working out after a long day of work. 

I would be exhausted and the idea of putting any amount of energy into a work out was less than appealing.

Until now.....

Yes, I have gone to the dark side and have.............. a morning routine.

Please know my new found belief in a morning routine and getting my ass up in the dark was not planned.

I am the accidental early morning riser.

And now a believer. 

How Did I Start My Morning Routine?

What I do, with anything, is to pay very close attention to how I feel, changes to how I feel from the norm. I pretty much do my own differential diagnosis so to speak. I connect the dots to what I've done differently to how I'm feeling, and whats changed - for better or worse (which I highly recommend you start doing as it helps you discover what works for you).

On a total fluke (or so it would seem) I started waking up at 5, 5:30, 6. I would open my eyes and could tell this wasn't a brief wake-up-roll-over-go-back-to-sleep situation. No this was my brain totally turning on and saying "lets go". 

Each time I woke up this early, and got out of bed, I began to notice that I felt incredible, had more energy and focus (and now had the time to work out - total bonus)! 

I was starting to connect that getting up when my body was ready to and not to the alarm going off, made a HUGE difference in how I felt.

What I found was life changing for real and required no convincing.

  1. Waking up naturally vs the alarm was HUGE and was a difference between groggy and foggy, to alert and ready to roll - because my body was ready to wake after its last cycle.
  2. Waking up then going back to sleep - total disaster. We're talking total vice grip on my brain that would last the entire day no matter how many cups of joe I had. 
  3. I noticed that getting up when I woke up, I felt more alert and focused (even if it was 4:30, for real)
  4. I used my time more efficiently, I had more creative flow, and got shit done
  5. I was happier, and had more energy that was sustained throughout the day 

Why You Shouldn't Hit The Snooze Button

It starts with your sleep cycle. Early in the morning we are typically in a REM cycle, the dreaming state.

When this cycle is interrupted by the jarring experience of the alarm going off it is a shock to the system. If you hit snooze and fall back to sleep it confuses the brain and you're left with whats called sleep inertia, the foggy, groggy feeling thats uber annoying.

When you get into a natural rhythm allowing your body to do its job and wake when the time is right and you're rested, you're more alert and ready to roll.

Why is a morning routine so Important? 

  1. Positively sets you up for the rest of the day
  2. Improves cognitive function
  3. Improves mood
  4. Increases energy
  5. You get more done because you're more focused
  6. Time for yourself to meditate, journal or exercise
  7. Don't feel rushed and get out the door relaxed with more ease

My morning routine

  1. Wake up at the same time 5:30 - 6 this never changes and I wake up at this time even on vacation because I feel my best. I do not wake to an alarm as I allow my body to wake up naturally. (although my alarm is set to the latest time I need to get up just in case)
  2. Have a glass of water with lemon/apple cider vinegar to get my system going (helps detox the liver)
  3. Cup of coffee with adaptogens and Bullet Proof Brain Octane Oil (if you're curious go to my Instagram page)
  4. Mediate
  5. Workout
  6. Take Rowan to school
  7. Walk my dog Harper as I listen to a podcast that inspires me, teaches me something.
  8. Check schedule on Asana for my business and begin work day

 Tips For Creating A Morning Routine

If you're ready yourself to jump on this train and create a morning routine that will change your life then try some of these tips below.

  1. Go to bed when you're tired and stay consistent. 10 - 10:30 is best for most
  2. Wake up at the same time within 30 minutes, no snooze button! Once you get into this routine your body will begin to wake up naturally and you'll be up before the alarm goes off.
  3. Try some form of exercise every day. It doesn't have to be hard core: go for a walk or do yoga. Exercising daily helps you fall asleep and sleep deeply.
  4. Once you have your sleep cycle down, notice how you feel when you wake up and add in meditation, journalling or exercise (if you're one who struggles to find time for this, this will be the perfect time and you will feel fantastic- promise)
  5. Do something that fills you up, inspires you, and sets your day up for success and puts you in a great frame of mind to start your day.

Try this for a week and see how you feel. Create this for yourself and honor it so you are ready for the world and all that it asks of you. Note: if you are under a lot of stress, your body will need more sleep, so hit the sheets earlier than usual and exercise - it is the best way to relieve it.

And for sure let me know how it goes!

Until next time,




P.S. If you don't already, follow me on Instagram where I share more tips and info 


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