How Improving Your Health Allows You To Expand In Unexpected Ways

health Dec 02, 2020

I'm going share something I LOVE with you today. That is, the unexpected consequence of living a healthier life. And when I mean healthy, I mean mind, body and soul.

In Pillar 2 of the M|body Method I explore with you how improving your health can impact more than just your pant size or reduction of symptoms. When you're healthier your mind is clearer, you have more energy and zest for life, and all of those dreams of living your desires returns from the dead.

Most people live in a state of tolerating feeling terrible. In fact most people have no idea just how bad they feel. It's become so familiar, they don’t even see or feel it. Yes there are symptoms that can be quite obvious, but a low level of terrible is unfortunately quite common place. 

Is this any way to live? I think not.

What is most common when women want to make changes, is the focus on one thing and one thing only - weight loss. And I get it because it's the visible, tangible part that you want taken care of to feel better. Of course if you're carrying more weight than you would like, or should due to health reasons, this is a top priority. But what about the rest?

One piece that is often left out of the equation, or not even considered is what happens when you implement changes. It's the unexpected result of feeling amazing: a desire to go further, expand, raise the bar, see what else you're capable of, feel the energy and vitality to set out to follow your dreams, or take on challenges you once thought were completely out of reach.

That's what getting healthy can actually do for you. It can ignite finally living your life purpose, allows you to pursue your dreams, and connects you to living the reason you're on this planet in the first place. Yes, your health can absolutely get in the way of this. If you’re spending time miserable, fighting all kinds of symptoms and ailments on top of a busy stressful life, you have no time for anything else. It becomes all consuming and you become a prisoner in your own body. It's like one day seemingly melting into the next. This is existing, not LIVING.

So I have to ask you, have you forgotten? Have you forgotten the magnitude of who you are as a living, breathing, beautiful soul here for a reason? If you have, take this as your reminder. You're a devine being with a purpose on this planet and are more powerful than you know. Think about the possibility of impacting just one life, changing the course of a life - or lives, stemming from you simply improving your health?

It's possible because it happened to me. Hell, I became a personal trainer after 50. If you would have told me this would happen 10 years ago, I would have told you that you're nuts! But I was only able to have the confidence to expand into doing this because of what I have experienced in getting healthier-not only healthier in body, but my mindset and beliefs about what is possible regardless of age.

So How Do I Get There?

So many things we do these days with the food we eat, the sedentary lifestyle, the toxic soup we live in, literally impacts your brain which impacts your emotions and motivation. As with the rest of your body, your brain too is impacted by inflammation. The brain fog, fatigue, irritability, depression, anxiety - all can stem from what you're exposing it to. If you're experiencing all of these symptoms, you're spending your precious energy on fighting those symptoms, fighting your body.  This leaves you depleted with not much left for actually living your life let alone feeling good enough to pursue your dreams and your passion.

You begin by respecting your body, why you're in it, and that in order for you to live out all of the things you want to do, you need to treat it well so it supports your journey. You begin by acknowledging that you need to take better care of it. You begin by taking one step at a time toward better health.

You see the thing that people often forget when they neglect their health is that they.......are needed.

Your gifts are needed.

Your wisdom is needed.

Your example is needed.

Your life experience is needed.

You're not here to simply take up space. You're a gift - know it, own it, share it.

This is such a huge piece of my method because I not only believe in helping women improve their health, but I believe in empowering them to see themselves as also people who can have an impact on the world. I’m talking about living in a body that supports your desire to be who you came here to be. And I'm not saying you're not already having an impact, but if you're unhealthy, you are seriously limiting yourself.

When you begin to improve your health which results in more energy, vitality, joy, more calm, strength, and confidence, you begin to ask what else can I do?  You begin to look around and take stock in what your life currently is and question if there is more. You may even question what you want to do with the rest of your life - because you finally feel able to do it. Because when you feel better, you want to do more. You're more willing to pursue the things you've always wanted to do, but didn't have the energy to do before. It's like waking up from a slumber.

The way you do this is by starting with making a decision: how do you want to live the rest of your life? Doing the same thing over and over, day in and day out? Or stepping into your whole self, believing in yourself, taking a risk, and finally doing the damn thing.

You have to start with shifting your beliefs about what true health is.

It's not just about the same old boring BS about cutting calories and “killing it” in the gym, it's about whole health, embodying health - mind, body and soul. It's the totality. All are connected and all influence each other. 

  • Your beliefs: drive your choices and the consequences of those choices influence your next decision. When you begin to choose from a place of health and wellness in mind, you begin to choose better for yourself. The feedback from those choices informs what you will do next. It's like a snow ball rolling down a hill. It builds.
  • Your mindset: when you truly value yourself, know your worth, and what you have to offer the world, you make choices aligned with this mindset that benefit the body. When the body functions better from those choices, your mindset improves. 
  • Your body: feed it well, reduce your stress, slow down, move, sleep well. When you take care of your body, nourish it and give it what it needs, you will begin to feel things shift. This shift in turn improves your mindset.
  • Your spirit: taking the time to attend to your inner self, your higher self, your spirit or soul. Sit in quiet, stop for a minute and listen. Get aquatinted with your consciousness. It needs a healthy body to make shit happen.
  • You integrate: The choices you make are integrated into a new way of living and looking at yourself, and what you're capable of. For some it's coming back to a familiar place they forgot, or it's a new discovery. 

When you begin to see yourself for what you truly are minus all the crap that clouds you, you are able to live with more purpose and intention. Each day is filled with making choices toward your purpose, and everyone around you benefits.

If you're ready download my latest handbook on my method to get you started.


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