Golden Milk Recipe

recipes Oct 25, 2019

I don't know about you, but I love a good warm drink in the fall.

What I love more, is when it's also good for me.

Aaahhh, Golden Milk. That creamy magical drink. 

I love to have a cup this time of year before bed or when I'm feeling like I'm coming down with a virus. It's in my arsenal during flu season along with bone broth, apple cider vinegar, and Thieves essential oil.

What Is Golden Milk?

Golden Milk is an acient Ayreuvedic concoction traditionally made with milk, black pepper and oil (or ghee).

One of the more popular ways to make it these days includes ginger root, cinnamon and adding a sweetener such as honey, maple syrup or vanilla. I do honey, honey.

This drink is known for being a soothing healing drink because it contains the star of the show.... Tumeric.

Tumeric is a relative of ginger and incredibly good for you when it comes to your health. It contains an antioxidant called curcumin which gives Tumeric its beautiful color and why it's typically referred to as one of the most important spices you can have sitting in your spice drawer.

In ancient times it was used because of its healing properties and is considered in addition to being a powerful antioxidant, to also be ant-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anticariogenic.

Why Black Pepper and Oil?

Our bodies are not able to absorb the curcumin in Tumeric. This is where the black pepper comes in. Black pepper contains an ingredient called piperine, which binds to the cucumin therefore allowing our bodies to absorb all the Tumeric goodness.

The purpose of the oil or ghee (you can choose to include ghee (clarified butter) or coconut oil), is to make the Tumeric fat-soluble. If just mixed with water it wouldn't combine as it should.

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Golden Milk?

Drinking Golden Milk on a regular basis can have long term benefits because of the Tumeric. here's just a few:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Helps balance blood sugar
  • Improves gut function
  • Fights fatigue
  • Helps ease joint pain
  • Helps fight of viruses (especially this time of year)

Ingredients and how to make:

  • 2 1/2 cups milk: full fat coconut or almond, or half of each
  • 1 tbsp Tumeric
  • 1 inch ginger grated, or 1/2 tsp ground
  • 1 tbsp ghee or coconut oil
  • pinch black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon or stick
  • 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup and/or 1/2 tsp vanilla

In a sauce pan over medium heat combine milk, Tumeric, and  ghee or oil. Stir until all ingredients are combined.

Pour into a blender and add the remaining ingredients. Blend until mixed well.

Pour into your fave mug, top with cinnamon or throw in a cinnamon stick, and enjoy cuddled up by the fire or on the couch binge watching your new fave Netflix show!










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