
The Stress/Blood Sugar Connection

health Oct 16, 2019

Oh stress.

You evil doer.

The shadow lurking around every corner of your life so it seems, affecting everything from your sleep, to your gut function, to your emotional health and......... your blood sugar.

There's so much to talk about when it comes to blood sugar. But for todays post, I'm going to focus on the stress connection because it's something we can ALL relate to, can't escape AND, I don't think it's something that comes to mind when we're talking about blood sugar. 

Blood Sugar, A Review

Just to bring you up to speed here's a little review of how it all works inside that beautiful body of yours......

Blood sugar in the body is a balancing act of many parts. Your hormones are designed to work as a team with each other. When you eat, food enters the digestive tract and the pancreas is signaled to release insulin to get the cells ready to receive all of the sugar as it gets digested and processed. Next the pancreas sends out a signal to glucagon to tell your cells to ...

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EWG's Clean Fifteen & Dirty Dozen 2019

health Apr 24, 2019

Can I get a YES to organic fruits and veggies being spendy??

I hear you.

As a health coach you'll hear me talk about buying organic. Yes this is true, mainly because of what I have learned about pesticides, particularly Roundup and how dangerous it is. 

But, there is some produce that you can buy conventional. Those veggies or fruits in which you don't eat the skin is ok like avocados and bananas due to the limited exposure to pesticides. But others like grapes and strawberries are a no go when buying conventional.

Truth: for example, if I'm in a store where they only offer conventional grapes and strawberries, I absolutely will NOT buy them. I think of it as literally popping a pesticide soaked bomb in your mouth. Nope. My health is not worth saving a few bucks.

Pesticides do quite a serious number on our gut, our hormones and overall health. So its important for you to be informed of just what is used to grow your food and how to avoid it without breaking the bank.


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health Mar 27, 2019

It's endometriosis awareness month so I wanted to talk about this very important topic that effects so many women before the month ends!

You may have been diagnosed with it, or you may have heard about it, but you're not so sure just what it is and what it means.

As of late, it has been estimated that over 176 million women around the world suffer from the symptoms caused by endometriosis. There are various estimates noting that endometriosis symptoms are quite common: [1]

  • 2-50% of women are thought to have what's known as "silent symptoms" leaving these women clueless this may be an issue
  • 40-60% of women who suffer from painful periods also have endometriosis
  • 20-30%  of women who struggle to conceive may have endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial cells are found on the OUTSIDEof the uterus where they don't belong because they are supposed to be indoors INSIDEthe uterus. These cells hanging out on the outside begin to develop into growths or lesions...

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Oy Soy...(and blueberry smoothie bowl recipe)

health Mar 21, 2019

Oy soy!

Do you do soy? If so read on. But if you love the stuff, don't get mad at me for raining on your soy parade. Sorry, not sorry. It's only cuz I care and you need to know this stuff......

For so many years all that we have heard is how good soy is for you. The amount we consume is huge. From soy milk to tofu, and with soy proteins in so many products, we are inundated with it. The problem is that there is a lot of poor research on soy that has been misinterpreted or deemphasized that has led to inconclusive results. Several governments around the world including France, Germany and Israel have noted that soy does not prevent heart disease by lowering the bad cholesterol, nor cure it. Additional research done with soy has proven inconsistent, inconclusive, contradictory, and of poor design with too short of duration to prove the benefits they claim. In fact these governments have issued warnings regarding the consumption of soy.

In our neck of the woods, the FDA...

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Intermittent Fasting

health Mar 07, 2019

"You haven’t eaten breakfast? You haven't eaten All Day? WTH"?

Yes, I'm talking about something your mother would harp on you about.

It may be controversial, some may argue that it's not a great idea because it may slow your metabolism. This is a real hot topic right now and it has a lot of people wanting to know if it is the right choice for them. So I'm going to lay out just exactly what intermittent fasting is and let you be the judge if it's the right choice for you.

The concept of fasting isn't a new one. People have temporarily restricted their food intake for religious reasons going back centuries. Recently, intermittent fasting — when you don’t eat from anywhere between 16 – 48 hours (or more) — has become more widely well known for its incredible effects on disease and aging.

Just What Is Intermittent Fasting?

For as long as I can remember, just hearing the word *fasting* didn't have a real good ring to it. It sounded awful. Not eating...

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How What You Eat Affects Hormones

health Jul 12, 2018

This is part two of my series on hormone imbalance. For part one see How Stress Affects Your Hormones


Did you know that the molecules in food tell your cells what to do?

Yassss! I never really gave this much thought until the food I ate was causing my hormone imbalance and telling my cells to attack my body.

Your body requires vitamins, minerals, amino acids and omega's to stay in balance. Your body is a super intelligent machine designed to repair itself. When your hormones are in balance you have energy, are able to focus, sleep soundly, and handle stress.

BUT....if we are feeding our body endless processed junk, not only will it create chaos like a tornado blowing through Kansas, it can't make the repairs necessary for balanced hormones.

How I used to eat would surprise you.

Just years ago I was still running down to the local Dairy Queen to get chicken fingers in the middle of a busy day. And this was a regular thing. Eat "healthy"? Oh I thought I was. After all it was...

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How Stress Affects Your Hormones

health Jun 07, 2018

This is Part One of a two part series on hormone imbalance


Is your life making your hormones go haywire?

Well, yes. Especially these days.

It happens to all of us at some point. No matter your age, hormone imbalance can feel like a never ending battle. The bloating, brain fog, fatigue, insomnia, cravings, and extra weight around the middle. All roads can lead to a hormone imbalance and stress could be the cause.

Recently stress kicked my ass.

While working full time, finishing nutrition school, enrolling in Marie Forleo's, phenomenal, but INTENSE 8 week business school, I thought it would be a great idea to build a second website. Yes, a second website with no help! Well, I finished school and my website, but not without taxing my body to the point of exhaustion, among other things.

Yes stress was beating the shit out of me. For sure I had hormone imbalance. I was about to drop- literally. Something had to give. I stopped and reevaluated the situation. I had to give myself...

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