
How Willpower Is A Myth And Killing Your Self-Worth

health mindset Oct 13, 2020

Most people think that it's willpower that they have to have in order to lose weight and improve their health. But this notion of willpower or self-control just might be the biggest myth in the industry, and the worst advise you could ever get.

And I get it because I've been there. This message of willpower is everywhere, it's so prevalent it's even joked about, and it's been pounded into our brains forever while making us feel like shit about ourselves. But if it were true, then wouldn't everyone who used simple willpower to make a change easily and consistently lose weight?

The diet and fitness industry loves to send this message that all it takes is willpower to achieve your goals. That if you don't succeed at losing weight with sheer willpower, then it must somehow be a problem with YOU. You're not doing enough, you're not motivated enough, you're not disciplined enough and on and on. Ugh.

Can you relate?

Well we all know this is not the case. In fact, if you believe that...

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Change Is What I Stand For

mindset Sep 24, 2020


Change in our health system and how we view what it means to truly heal.

It's what I stand for. It's how we will change the idea of health for future generations.

It can end suffering, and as women, moms, it's what we do. We change people with our love for our children, our families, friends, and loved ones close to us. We have the power to alter the old ways of doing things with our love, devotion and desire for something better.

Change is how we create a better world for our kids. Because right now there's finally talk of proper how nutrition can heal, prevent disease, and that we have the power to improve and heal if our body is given what it needs to do its job.

But, the food industry, our health system, and the diet industry are all still stuck doing the same things the old way, how they've done things for decades. Making people sick with all of the processed chemicals in our foods, making you believe these foods are ok to eat and will not harm you. Making people think...

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Gluten & Refined Sugar Free Apple Crisp

recipes Jul 16, 2020

Yes its summer and I know that apple crisps are associated with fall. Oh that smell of apples baking in the oven.....

But, I had to share this accidental recipe with you because it is - de-lish.

I say accidental because I was just playing around with some of these ingredients and voila! A gluten free and refined sugar free apple crisp!

Yes apple crisp. It's been one of my faves since childhood, but thought I would never taste it again because I can no longer have gluten.

With a little bit of trial and error and replacing certain ingredients, it is possible to have truly tasty recipes that are gluten and refined sugar free.

The key to this beauty is the caramel like mix of almond butter, maple syrup, coconut oil and vanilla. It's the substitute for the brown sugar, refined sugar and flour in a traditional apple crisp.

The addition of the Purely Elizabeth Ancient Grain Original Granola gives it more of that "brown sugar flavor" and that opposing crunch to the softness of...

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Challenging Limiting Beliefs

mindset Jun 25, 2020

How often do your beliefs stop you from making change or starting something you've never done before?

If you're like most people this is often.

I would say that my belief in myself, my thoughts, self-talk, and feelings of worth have been at the forefront of making progress in my business, especially my decision to become a personal trainer at my age. Has anyone ever told me it was ridiculous to do? No.

It's actually been my own inner voice trying to sabotage my efforts and and get in the way of fulfilling my goals.

But I did it anyway.

And I'll tell you how.

When I began this journey of creating this business to serve you, I had no idea how much it would force me to look at what I truly believed about myself (I thought I'd just do the things and everything would fall into place - nope). This process of required personal development and looking at my own limiting beliefs has given me a passion for helping other women challenge their limiting beliefs in order to achieve their goals...

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Food As Medicine & Immunity

health Apr 28, 2020

Food is medicine.

In addition to doing all of the preventive measures such as wearing a mask or gloves, washing your hands, and practicing social distancing to avoid getting COVID-19, there's another piece to this.

What you eat.

Because at the end of the day, you are what you eat......literally.

And if you're now faced with the reality that you need to step up your game where your immunity is concerned, this is by far the most important thing you can give your attention to.

Food As Medicine

When it comes to your body, wanna know who's ultimately in charge?

The molecules in the food you eat. Boss is in de house.

Yes it true. When you eat, those molecules tell your cells how things are going to be.

The food that you eat is not only important in controlling inflammation levels, it also assists in balancing blood sugar, aids in digestion to process and eliminate waste, regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and much more. 

So it stands to reason that you'd want to...

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EWG's 2020 Clean 15 & Dirty Dozen

health Apr 14, 2020

At no other time that I can remember has there been a better time to be eating your fruits and vegetables.

If you have been wanting to look at changing or improving your diet to help support your immune system or to improve your health overall, well, upping your fruits and vegetables game is where it's at.

As a health coach you'll hear me talk about buying organic.

Yes, this is true, mainly because of what I have learned about pesticides, particularly Roundup and how dangerous it is. 

But it can be very expensive. Especially now when so many people are currently unemployed and struggling. 

If this is you and your wanting to eat more fruits and vegetables, and you want to eat organic, but just can't afford it, here is an option in helping you choose when you buy.

There is some produce that you can buy conventional.

Those veggies or fruits in which you don't eat the skin is ok like avocados and bananas due to the limited exposure to pesticides. But others like grapes and...

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10 Tips For Coping With Social Distancing And Being Home Bound

lifestyle Mar 27, 2020

First off how are you?

I hope you are well, healthy, and staying positive as much as you can.

To say this is a difficult time is an understatement. My heart goes out to all of those who have lost jobs, are living in uncertainty for their futures, struggling financially, the doctors and nurses fighting the virus and exhaustion, and to those souls who remain working to provide all of us necessities. God bless.

Living in the unknown is scary, let alone fearing for your own health, and the health of those you love. What I do know, is that giving into that fear and succumbing to the panic and anxiety is not good for your physical, nor mental health.

Staying positive and taking care of your health is paramount right now, absolutely number one. Of all of the times in your life you need to put your health at the top of the list, this is it. One of the best things you can do at a time when so much is unknown  and have no control over what's happening, is to control the things you can.


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Love Up Your Gut to Power Up Your Immune System

Uncategorized Mar 11, 2020

As Hippocrates once said, "All disease begins in the gut."

Wise man.

This is absolutely true. Your gut should be considered the *hub* of all of your body's working systems. It is the epicenter of all things health, and where 80% of your immune system resides.

In order for things to be working well in your gut, the environment needs to be on point. The reason is simple: the state of your gastrointestinal system can greatly determine if you have illness, sensitivities, allergies, or other health concerns.

You've most likely heard of the all important Microbiome. There are over 100 trillion bacteria, viruses, and yeast cells in your gut, and not all are created equal. We each have varying gut bacteria depending upon the geography of where we live (due to differences in the makeup of the soil), our exposure to bacteria at birth, and our lifestyles.

Since we're all individual when it comes to gut microbes, it stands to reason that we each have varying dietary needs when it comes to...

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Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Uncategorized Nov 13, 2019


I'm a huge fan of anything I can have in my house that is not only natural, but that I can use for various things.

One of my all time faves is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).

I've never been a big fan of vinegar and only knew of its existence for coloring easter eggs, or because it was required for a recipe.

It wasn't until the last few years that I discovered ACV. You might be thinking thats crazy! How did you not know?

I know. I know.

And when *I discover* something, it's like the universe has shifted and I want to shout it from the roof tops.

You might already have ACV in your home, if you do, then 10 gold stars for you. I'll give you bonus points if you know all of the ways you can use it, and just how good it is for you.

Or if your only context for using it is for salad dressing, but have no idea what it's all about, well I'm hear to tell you, or -shout it from the roof tops- about why you MUST keep it in the pantry to have on hand at ALL times ;).

Benefits of Apple...

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Golden Milk Recipe

recipes Oct 25, 2019

I don't know about you, but I love a good warm drink in the fall.

What I love more, is when it's also good for me.

Aaahhh, Golden Milk. That creamy magical drink. 

I love to have a cup this time of year before bed or when I'm feeling like I'm coming down with a virus. It's in my arsenal during flu season along with bone broth, apple cider vinegar, and Thieves essential oil.

What Is Golden Milk?

Golden Milk is an acient Ayreuvedic concoction traditionally made with milk, black pepper and oil (or ghee).

One of the more popular ways to make it these days includes ginger root, cinnamon and adding a sweetener such as honey, maple syrup or vanilla. I do honey, honey.

This drink is known for being a soothing healing drink because it contains the star of the show.... Tumeric.

Tumeric is a relative of ginger and incredibly good for you when it comes to your health. It contains an antioxidant called curcumin which gives Tumeric its beautiful color and why it's typically referred to as...

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